So yes, the first category of verbs, the ones ending in -ar, comprises the vast majority of the total of verbs. Note that these are the total numbers of verbs for each ending registered in the dictionary, so the lists include obsolete verbs, verbs that are only used in some regions, and so on. Verbs ending in -ir: 717 (6.0%, from abatir to zurrir).Verbs ending in -er: 670 (5.7%, from abastecer to yuxtaponer).Verbs ending in -ar: 10448 (88.3%, from ababillarse to zuzar).After downloading the result lists and processing them by removing the duplicated entries via Notepad++ I could come up with the following numbers: Using Enclave RAE I could get lists of verbs from dictionary of the the Royal Spanish Academy, the problem was that each verb was listed as many times as the number of meanings it has. ¹ As pointed out in a comment, the suffix -ecer is regularly used to coin new verbs out of adjectives (often together with the prefixes a- or en-), so the -er class is also productive. In actual usage, of course, you'll find many instances of verbs of Class 2 and 3 like ser, haber, ir, venir, etc. I understand the numbers above are verb counts, not usage frequencies. It's the most productive verb class, meaning most new verbs in Spanish are only coined in this class.¹.It's the class with the least amount of irregular verbs.It's by far the class of most verbs that you'll encounter.The -ar class is special and probably is treated as special for students because

The numbers are about what I had gathered they should be from previous reading on the matter. (The sum of the percentages doesn't add up to 100% because of rounding.) This distribution seems to have existed for a long time. Figures of usage aren't easy to find, but one study, for example, cites the Diccionario de Frecuencias de Justicia as listing 1563 verbs, which are distributed as follows: